Content Marketing Matters Blog
Helping you become a trusted niche expert through content marketing
What’s the ideal length of an awesome blog post?
One of the biggest blogging turn-offs for many businesses is the belief that writing blog posts is time-consuming. Many hear internet marketing gurus saying their blog posts need to be 1000-2000 words or more…but that’s not accurate (or sustainable) for many businesses. Why do marketers want you to [...]
Video creation made easy with the LATTE formula
Did I ever tell you that I used to work in a movie theatre? When I was in high school, I worked for my local, six-cinema theatre. I was the one behind the concession stand selling you the popcorn, getting your nachos and your drinks. I wanted that job because I love watching movies. Today I get to m [...]
5 Lessons learned running a service-based business during the pandemic
I’m not ashamed to say that my business grew a lot during the 2020 pandemic! It was my 3rd official year of my “full-time” business and it was by far my best one yet. It didn’t come easy though. I worked hard. I changed my processes. I changed my mindset. As my year-end wrap up post, I wanted to sha [...]
Powerful advice on recommended word count for bloggers
What was the blog word count for your last post? Do you know how many words it should be? I’ve been teaching blogging workshops for over a year now and this question comes up every time!Your blog post length DOES matter, but depending on your needs and how you’re planning to promote and share your bl [...]
Book a Full- or half-day LIVE Content Workshops!
A LIVE WriterGal workshop is unlike any workshop you've ever attended. We laugh while we learn and you walk away prepared and confident to continue working on your content on your own! I've created 2 amazing content marketing workshops for business owners and they're NOW available for LIVE events (p [...]
Why Blogging is Like Brewing Coffee!
Those who know me know I LOVE coffee. I live on coffee. I have 2 toddlers, a business, a husband, and want to have some me-time once and a while too! In order to stay awake and get everything done…I drink coffee! So today I thought it would be fun to compare blogging to coffee because…well, why not! [...]
How an Editor Can Help You Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes
I always say that a second set of eyes is critical for your business. They will catch things that you overlooked or didn’t even think of. Today I’m going to share how to hire a professional editor and how they can help you avoid any embarrassing mistakes! First let me explain the difference between [...]
5 Ways to Manage Business Continuity For Your Small Business
We’re in uncharted territory today! How is your business managing business continuity while we weather the pandemic storms. When the health crisis is over and businesses begin re-opening again, many will be struggling to get started. But, you can be doing things now so that when we get the all clear [...]
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