What websites are you using to brainstorm content ideas for your blog and content marketing?
People always ask me, “You know, Ashley…I am an expert in what I do. I have all this information in my head. But I go to sit down and write my blog, and I don’t know what to write about!”
Have you ever had trouble brainstorming content ideas? Thankfully (or maybe not), there are MANY websites made just for this purpose…but which ones are worth your time?
There are so many sites that you can use but these three are my least favourite:
The Googles!
You know when you go to the Google homepage and start typing in a word, and it starts autosuggesting what you might want to search for? This is “auto-suggest” is based on actual user searches (and complex algorithms). It’s suggesting the most popular searches for your keywords. It’s suggesting what people are searching for in Google.
Some blogging experts might suggest turning these auto-suggest phrases into blog topics, but I would NEVER suggest that! It’s too easy!!
I mean really!?! Why on earth would you want to write about what people are searching for? Are you writing your blog so people will actually read it? You don’t want people reading your business blog and learning about your expertise do you? That’s just pure nonsense!
This site, AnswerThePublic, honestly gives me the creeps. I mean, when you first load the page there is a video that takes up pretty much your whole screen! It’s a video of an man in front of a plain black background. He’s kind of swaying a little bit…he’s peering and leering at you. And then it looks like he’s about to say something and then he backs off. Check it out for yourself and tell me it doesn’t creep you out!
If you can scroll past the creep, you get to the search box. Type in a word related to your business and it will return hundreds of potential blog topics, very neatly organized and sorted for you to choose from.
I had a client who put in one word and this site gave her over 475 topics and phrases she could turn into blog posts. It’s so neatly organized it almost seems too easy to be true. Wouldn’t you much rather search through a messy list of words and phrases to find what you need? Nothing is good unless you have to search [hard] to find it, right?
And to boot, it’s a free tool! Who would want to use a free tool that is so comprehensive and detailed! It’s pure Poppycock!
Like the previous site, the title generator from TweakYourBiz also gives you hundreds of well-organized blog titles in seconds. All when you type in 1 word to the search bar. They really want to make our lives easier, don’t they? How DARE they!?!
Again, type 1 word in the search box, then scroll through well-crafted blog titles using that word, all neatly organized in meaningful, logical sections. Why do they have to make it so easy for us?
Oh, enough with the satire…here’s what I REALLY think!
I hope you picked up on my sense of satire in this post. I actually HIGHLY recommend all three of these sites because they are no-brainer ways to develop hundreds of ready-to-use content topics or keywords for your blogs and content marketing.
You don’t have to rack your brain to develop content topics for your blog. It CAN be easy! Just check out these sites and you’ll see what I mean.
If you have any other sites you like using to brainstorm ideas for your blog share them in the comments below.
And don’t for get these viral-worthy blog title tips when crafting your own blog titles!